projects > nobody's home

nobody's home
video still
nobody's home
video still
nobody's home
video still
nobody's home
July 2013
nobody's home
July 2013
nobody's home
July 2013

nobody's home features the found footage of Gregory Askins, a tenant of mine who passed away in 2003 from complications due to AIDS. Mr. Askins lived in my attic apartment with his beloved dog FiFi. During the last year of his life he never left the apartment and would not receive visitors. He would leave a list of the things he needed by sliding it under my door. After he died, I found this video along with artwork, a detailed diary and various ephemera after cleaning out his apartment. Sadly, no one claimed his belongings. - Bill Thelen

Acid Rain presents nobody's home Sept 13 - October 10, 2019

Little Joe presents nobody's home at Dirty Look's: On Location, Le Petit Versailles, New York, NY July 11th, 2013

Screened at The Niche at University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA May 2012